Methane emissions reduction – A report on international policy and technology insights for the Australian fossil fuel sector

Photo by Patrick Hendry, Unsplash
Sink or Swim?: Key Outcomes from COP28
Electricity, Distribution, AEMC, AEMO, NEM, 2021 Ursula Brown Electricity, Distribution, AEMC, AEMO, NEM, 2021 Ursula Brown

Sink or Swim?: Key Outcomes from COP28

In light of findings from the first Global Stocktake, COP28 negotiations have continued to navigate a plethora of diplomatic and governance issues in the realization of global decarbonisation goals. Discussions on central themes – including fossil fuels, climate finance and sustainable agriculture – have yielded paradoxical outcomes that have generated momentum for global climate action while highlighting just how far there is to go.

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How will Water and Agriculture Fare in the Net Zero Transition?
Matthew Rennie Matthew Rennie

How will Water and Agriculture Fare in the Net Zero Transition?

All companies are exposed in some way to transition and physical climate change risks and opportunities. These risks fall differently on different sectors, and introduce different types of exposures. In this article we focus on agriculture and utility water supply as two industries exposed to both physical and transition risks.

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