Jessica Anderson

Jessica is a Manager with Rennie, based in Melbourne.

Prior to joining Rennie Advisory, Jess was based in New Zealand as a management consultant specialising in policy and regulatory consulting in the environment, energy and primary sectors. She has also led projects advising clients in the social, international development, and water sectors. She brings wide ranging experience leading complex projects including public consultation, impact analyses, evaluation, and strategic regulatory advice for public and private sector clients. Prior to moving into consulting, she led New Zealand’s international agriculture and climate change work program at the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.

Jess is passionate about the transition to a low-emissions future and is motivated by supporting and facilitating clients to play their part in this transition.

Jess holds a Master of International Trade (with a special interest on the environment and biosecurity), and a Bachelor of Science.


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Nathi Wilkinson


Jacqui Allman